Saturday, September 17

Teen Craft: Dried Flower Sachet

How to Make a Sachet Using Flowers
By Sherri Osborn, Guide

Sample of dried flower from Microsoft clip art
Make one of these simple dried flower sachets for every drawer and your nose will get a pleasant surprise every time you open one. They also make unique gifts.

Materials Needed:
               Dried Flowers
               Hole Puncher


1. Dry your flowers as described on the page: Save Your Summer Blooms.
2. Cut a circle, about 12-inches across, out of your tulle. Tracing around a dinner plate seems to work well. Use a hole puncher or the scissors to make holes around the edge of the fabric. You will want the holes to be about an inch in from the edge. Each hole should be around 1-inch apart.
Sample of Dried flower sachet
3. Thread a piece of ribbon, in-and-out, through the holes. Do not cut the ribbon or cord until you have it threaded into the holes with about 4-6 inches to spare on each end while the fabric is laying flat. Now, Simply pull both ends of the cord or ribbon tight to gather the top of the bag together to make a bowl shape.
4. Fill your tulle 'bowl' with dried flowers. Pull both ends of the cord or ribbon tight to close and tie. Place your sachet in your drawer or wrap and give it as a gift. If the smell of the flowers fade, simple spritz the sachet with perfume

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